How to create a bulleted list in Microsoft Excel

I remember a time when I had "Googled" how to create a bulleted list in MS Excel and was very disappointed when all I found was articles telling me that it couldn’t be done. Perhaps you have searched as well and been dead-ended in the same manner.

Well, I found out how to do it and now I will clue you in as well. It’s actually pretty cool.

Note: this tip only applies to text entries in your spreadsheet. Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Select the cells in which you would like to add bullets.
  2. Click on Format | Cells.
  3. Click the Number tab.
  4. Select Custom from the Category box.
  5. Click in the Type field and clear any existing format.
  6. Depress your ALT key and simultaneously key in 0149, then release the ALT key.
  7. Still in the field, depress your space bar once or twice (more if you prefer).
  8. While still in the field, key in @.

  1. Click OK.

Now, any text that you key into those cells with the custom format will have a bullet applied to it.

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