Microsoft Word

How to Change Word 2010 Styles

Even though you have already defined a style in your Word 2010 document, you can still change it at any time you like.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Display the Home tab of your Ribbon.
  2. In the Styles group, click the small arrow on the bottom right to display the Styles pane.
  3. Find the style you would like to change and simply use your mouse to point to it. Do not click on it! Word will display a down-arrow at the right side of your style name.
  4. Click on that down arrow to display a drop-down menu.
  5. Click on Modify to display the Modify Style dialog box.

  1. You can now change the attributes of your style to your liking. You may need to use the Format button to make your changes.
  2. Once you have finished, click OK.

To change other styles in your document, follow the steps above.

Once you have completed the changes in your styles, just close the Styles pane.


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