How To: Access Resource Monitor in Win 7

The Resource Monitor in Windows 7 is a very good and easy way to help analyze performance and diagnose possible bottlenecks. With access to sections displaying process specific statistics for CPU, Memory, Disk or Network; Resource Monitor will immediately help identify which processes are hogging the most system resources.

Here’s How:

Click on Start and type RESMON (upper or lower case, doesn’t matter) into the Start search dialogue box. Then click on the “resmon” entry:

Now click on the various tabs to display relevant statistical information for all running processes:

To help with identification of any unknown/unrecognized processes, simply right click on the process and select  “Search Online”.

1 thought on “How To: Access Resource Monitor in Win 7”

  1. At nearly 81 years of age I do not have the computer skills of a knowledgeable 8 year old so I have to ask questions.
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