
Has Your PIN Been Leaked?

A recent analysis of data from haveibeenpwned.com, which maintains a database of over 320 million leaked passwords and PINs, has revealed the 50 most commonly leaked 4-digit PINs.

It seems many users are choosing weak PINs they can easily remember over strong PINs, thereby duplicating a habit that is very similar to when choosing passwords. Among the most commonly leaked PINs are:

  • Sequential numbers and reverse sequential numbers
  • Repeating the same number four times
  • Year of birth – 30 of the 50 most leaked PINs begin with either 19 or 20

Even the PIN 2580, which on face value appears to be random, actually represents the four digits straight down the middle of most numerical keypads and is consequently very easy to guess.

50 Most Leaked PINs

These are the 50 most commonly leaked 4-digit PINs in order – with number 1 being the most leaked:

  1. 1234
  2. 1111
  3. 0000
  4. 1342
  5. 1212
  6. 2222
  7. 4444
  8. 1122
  9. 1986
  10. 2020
  11. 7777
  12. 5555
  13. 1989
  14. 9999
  15. 6969
  16. 2004
  17. 1010
  18. 4321
  19. 6666
  20. 1984
  21. 1987
  22. 1985
  23. 8888
  24. 2000
  25. 1980
  26. 1988
  27. 1982
  28. 2580
  29. 1313
  30. 1990
  31. 1991
  32. 1983
  33. 1978
  34. 1979
  35. 1995
  36. 1994
  37. 1977
  38. 1981
  39. 3333
  40. 1992
  41. 1975
  42. 2005
  43. 1993
  44. 1976
  45. 1996
  46. 2002
  47. 1973
  48. 2468
  49. 1998
  50. 1974

If any of the above PINs match your own, or even if you’re using something similar, it would be a good idea for you to change that PIN ASAP. Bear in mind that, while choosing a PIN that’s easy to remember might be convenient, it also poses a very real security risk.

Steer clear of sequential numbers, repeating numbers, or dates such as birth years, anniversaries, etc., and do not use the same PIN for multiple accounts.

Stay safe out there!

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