Happy Mother’s Day!! (plus a great little video clip)

mothersdayWhat Makes A Mum So Wonderful ?

It’s really many things, it’s her warmth and understanding and the happiness she brings,

It’s her kindness and her tenderness, her sweet and patient ways,

Her reassurance, welcome smile, and generous words of praise,

It’s her constant way of caring, right from the very start,

But most of all it’s because… she has a loving heart.

For all your love, all your help, for all the things you do

To make each day more pleasant for all those dear to you…

We love you Mum.

Dave, myself, and the entire DCT Team wish all the Mums out there… A VERY HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!

Here is a short clip which features a group of people as both small children and young adults. It’s actually an advert but it is very clever and quite humorous, we’re pretty sure Mum will enjoy it:



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