
Giveaways & Contests Reminder (Week 3317)

Giveaways & Contests

Dave’s Computer Tips is working hard to bring top-quality software to our readers. Please note that none of the upcoming contests and giveaways in the following list are etched in stone. Changes may be made to this list at any time.

Here’s what’s happening…


Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4


Winners Announced!

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Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4 Contest!

This contest has now expired. Winners will be notified by eMail.

  1. Wayne Thomas
  2. Jane Durso
  3. Степан Носик
  4. Andrey Zzzvya
  5. James Costa

Congratulations to the Winners and Thank You to everyone who participated!

Ashampoo has offered DCT readers five (5) licenses for this $49.99 (US) Home Designer Pro 4 program. Whether you need to design an entire home or simply rearrange a room, this software is for you!


“Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4 has everything you need to plan, design and preview your dream house in 3D. Smart wizards facilitate data input and get you good results quickly. Create professional-grade blueprints and be your own constructor right on your PC!

What will your finished house look like? Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4 includes everything from doors, windows, balconies and carports to sanitary and electrical installations including photovoltaic elements to give you a realistic impression of your future home!”

Go to this Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 4 Contest post to enter! This contest will end on August 17, 2017.

EaseUS Anniversary Giveaway Offer

EaseUS, a wonderful supplier of great giveaways and contests to DCT readers, is running a special giveaway in celebration of their 13th Anniversary. And the wonderful thing about that is they have given a heads-up to our DCT readers so you don’t miss out! This giveaway will end on August 17, 2017.

Here is the link to read more… EaseUS Anniversary Giveaway Offer

Coming Soon!

Ascomp Secure Eraser

Ascomp has offered our DCT readers five licenses to giveaway for their product Secure Eraser.

“Because it’s been deleted from your hard drive, doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. As long as the information was not overwritten, anyone can restore it at any time. It gets even more complicated, if a computer has been resold or given away.

Secure Eraser uses the most renowned method of data disposal and overwrites sensitive information in such a sure way that it can never be retrieved – even with specialized software. Our multiple award-winning solutions for definitively destroying data also eliminate any cross-references that could leave traces of deleted files in the allocation table of your hard drive.”

This giveaway contest is scheduled to begin on Monday, August 21. Don’t forget to Enter!

That’s it for now. Be sure to visit often so you don’t miss these great Contests and Giveaways! And don’t forget, there are other informative and entertaining articles posted by our writers during the week as well.

If you would like to see a specific piece of software promoted as a giveaway contest on DCT, please let us know and we will do our best to make that happen.

2 thoughts on “Giveaways & Contests Reminder (Week 3317)”

  1. Regarding the EaseUS Anniversary Giveaway offer – why was that even included in your newsletter. The giveaway expired on August 17th and your newsletter didn’t come out until the 20th. Seems that more timely articles would be more appropriate for your newsletter.

    NOTE: This isn’t the first time I’ve noted this. If this is what Dave’s Computer Tips is all about – late submissions – then just unsubscribe me.

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Gilbert,

      The EaseUS giveaway notice was included for the same reason the Ashampoo notice was included– they both expired since the last newsletter and are included under the “Expired!” heading.

      Where appropriate, I try to have three headings: Expired, Running, and Coming Soon

      There is nothing late about letting people know that a giveaway has recently expired. I have been criticized in the past for NOT letting people know that a giveaway and/or contest has expired. I guess I can’t win on this score. I will continue to post notifications of this sort.

      Incidentally, I don’t unsubscribe anyone from our weekly Newsletter. That decision is yours and yours alone.

      Thank you for your most helpful comment,

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