FREE eBooks: Windows 8 guides

Windows 8 has arrived and I guess there will be quite a few befuddled new users out there looking for guidance. Our Dave has already published a series of great ‘Getting Started’ guides here on DCT, you can access them all in the Windows 8 section here: Windows 8 Category.

There are also two comprehensive free eBooks available, one direct from Microsoft and another from Dell. The Microsoft eBook, entitled “Introducing Windows 8 – An Overview for IT Professionals“, is available in PDF format… direct download link here: Microsoft – Introducing Windows 8. (6.4MB)

The offering from Dell entitled “Windows 8 for Dummies” is, as the name implies, less technically inclined. However, users are required to fill out and submit a form in order to access the download:

Visit the Dell page here: Dell – Free Windows 8 for Dummies eBook. (download: 10.9MB PDF).

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