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Hi all:
Microsoft has released Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista. It addresses a number of updates and various other problems.
Here is a link to the Microsoft Download site............. ... layLang=en
If your version of Vista is updated with the latest updates, it takes about 30 minutes, if not it will take longer.
You also have to have Service Pack 1 installed before you can install Service Pack 2.
I have installed the new Service Pack and as of the writing have had not ill effects at all.
Hi Jim:
Yes and Yes.
SP2 will be available in June through Windows Updates. I've heard two different dates, so I'll not say when so I don't end up giving you wrong information.
I downloaded SP2 from the link I referenced in the first post. It is direct from Microsoft, so you can download it anytime you want to. I'm sure your version of Vista is fully updated so it shouldn't take long to download.
Still have now ill effects, so, so far so good.
Thanks Nightowl.....I tried to install SP1 via Windows Updates and it was a no goer, messed up my system in fact. After contacting M$ support they pointed me to the execute file download and that installed fine. I even burned/burnt?? it to data CD just in case I ever had to re-install Vista.
Thanks again for the heads up mate...I think I shall do the same as you guys and go for the download now....worked for me better last time!!!
Hey Guys - Downloaded the file, created an image of my system, burned/burnt? the execute file to data disc and installed SP2....all done!!
BTW: Did you know that, unlike SP1 which was thoroughly integrated into Vista, SP2 can be uninstalled from 'Control PanelPrograms and FeaturesView Installed Updates'.....most unlike M$ to give us choices/options.....whatever next????
Hey Nightowl - Coupla early comments re SP2: I had been reading comments on the net about regained hard disk space or more free space after the install. Sure enough, when I checked, I had 28 gigs more free space on 'C'. The reports across the net are claiming this as some sort of miracle but after a very short investigation I discovered that SP2 had zapped all the restore there's a quick 30gb or so right there (e.g. on my machine 35gb allocated). Very handy for anyone who, just to be on the safe side, set a restore point prior to installation.....not!!!
The other thing is my 'sleep' behaviour has changed. I rarely switch my machine off completely and just let it go to sleep after one remains setup exactly the same way but is not going ni nighs. I've checked 'advanced settings' everything seems to be as per the norm but for some reason sleep mode is not kicking in.
Minor issues but issues nonetheless.
cheers mate....JIM
Hey Jim - did you check for the phantom check box?
Sometimes a setting will be set one way, but the checkbox will reflect a different way.
Go tothe Power Options Screen, change something, hit OK. Then go back and set it the way you want and hit OK and see fi that makes a difference.
I haven't installed SP2 yet, but will probably do so this weekend.
(wait, I thought W7 was SP2....)
Hey Zig - I may have discovered the change SP2 made to the power settings. Both my wife (June) and I are running Vista Home Premium, mine has SP2 installed, the bride's does not. Both are operating under the 'Balanced' plan, however June's machine shows an extra option under 'Advanced SettingsSleep'...she can turn 'Hybrid Sleep' on or off (currently set to on). There is no mention of Hybrid Sleep in the same settings on my machine.
I'm nearly certain that is the difference between how my machine used to behave and how it is now, post SP2. Whenever I brought it out of sleep mode I had to wait some seconds for internet connection and a coupla other things to kick back in, now they are all active immediately.....missing Hybrid Sleep??
cheers mate....JIM
Hey Zig - Yes, my recommendation would be to not install at this stage.
I sent off a support request to M$ on the missing 'Hybrid Sleep' option and will let everyone know the outcome. SP2 seems to have affected Windows Updates too, I haven't had any updates since installing and Windows Defender has started nagging about definition updates. I have done the old trick of changing update settings and then putting them back the way I had them but that doesn't seem to be working this time. I'm not 100% certain about SP2 being the culprit just yet but it seems very likely.
cheers mate...JIM
Sleep powers down everything but RAM, this keeping it's contents powered. This is why your computer returns to normal so quickly. Hybrid Sleep is a combination of sleep and the old hybernation - Windows writes the contents of RAM onto disk and then powers everything down except RAM. This is good if you don't have a UPS, as a power loss when in normal sleep mode would cause the loss of the RAM contents.
Now for hybrid sleep to be enabled your motherboard must support the S3 suspend state. This may be mis-set or changed in your BIOS. Have a look for power states or suspend states in the BIOS. It should be set for S3 or higher.
If that doesn't work there are reports of problems between monitor.sys and the kernal, which causes the incorrect reporting of the motherboards allowed states. Here's a hotfix you can request from MS -
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