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I am having difficulty importing a schedule (football) to Outlook calendar.
1. I have downloaded the file and saved it on the desktop as a .csv file.
2. I open Outlook, select "import & export"
3. Choose "import from another program or file"
4. Select "Comma Separated Values (DOS)"
5. ID the file and select "Do not import duplicate items"
6. Now I am supposed to select my calendar but the box for that choice is totally blank with no way to browse or make any further choices. That is the point I am stuck at.
Any suggestions on where I went wrong would certainly be appreciated.
Thank you.
Hey Soldat - I'm just replying here coz I don't want you to think you are being ignored. I actually don't know a lot about Outlook. I've asked our lovely Carol to reply here but she must be away at the moment.
The list of steps you have taken is absolutely spot on so I'm at a loss to know why the calendar option is not available at the end. Are you able to access the calendar normally?
I'm sure someone with much more knowledge than I on the subject (which wouldn't be too difficult will reply soon....hang in there mate!!
cheers now.....JIM
Calendar is working fine. In fact I was able to successfully import a schedule prior to this but the big difference was that file was a CSV - Word file and the one I was working on is a CSV-DOS file. I wonder if I am missing some .DLL file that allows the importation process to complete the cycle. Thanks for the update.
Hi soldat, time for some WAGing (Wild a** Guessing):
What version of Office do you have?
Since you have Outlook, you probably have Excel? Can you open the CSV file in Excel?
In Outlook 2003 you have the choice of CSV(Dos) and CSV(Windows). Have you tried the Windows option?
You could always add the CSV file entries by hand (kidding!!).
Umm...let's start there.
Ok, I am going to weigh in with what I have come up with on this topic. I am not a football fan in any way, shape or form, but I went to the Net today and downloaded the Baltimore Ravens Football schedule to th my desktop to try and recreate the problem. Here is what I came up with:
I downloaded the file from the Ravens site and saved it to my desktop as a .csv file.
I opened my MS Outlook calendar and clicked on [b:wnnprq67]File | Import & Export[/b:wnnprq67].
I selected[b:wnnprq67] Import from another program or file[/b:wnnprq67].
I selected [b:wnnprq67]Comma Separated Values [/b:wnnprq67]([b:wnnprq67]Windows[/b:wnnprq67]) and clicked [b:wnnprq67]Next[/b:wnnprq67].
I navigated to the file I previously saved on my desktop and clicked [b:wnnprq67]Next[/b:wnnprq67].
The next window has a title that says [b:wnnprq67]The following actions will be performed [/b:wnnprq67]above an option to Import csv into folder Calendar.
I checked that box and clicked on [b:wnnprq67]Map Custom Fields[/b:wnnprq67].
I selected Do not import duplicant items.
From there, I clicked and dragged the needed fields from the left window into the right window, according to the correspondeing fields below:
START_DATE to Start Date
START_TIME to Start Time
SUBJECT tp Subject
LOCATION to Location
DESCRIPTION to Description.
END_TIME to End Time
REIMINDER_ON_OFF to Reminder On/Off (If you want a reminder)
REMINDER_date to Reminder Date
REMINDER_TIME to Reminder Time.
I clicked [b:wnnprq67]OK[/b:wnnprq67].
Then I clicked [b:wnnprq67]Finish[/b:wnnprq67].
It all worked like a charm. I now have the Baltimore Ravens' football schedul in my Outlook calendar.
I suggest you go back and try it again and see if you still continue to have problems. If you should have more problems, please let us know. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!
Your method is practically word for word what I have been trying to do. My example is from the Dallas Mavericks calendar. I made it through the same procedures you did till I got to the step that tells you to locate the file you saved (to desktop). I find the file (it is saved as an Excel .csv file) and highlight that. The next box that opens is one where you are supposed to pick where you want this file to go. My problem is that in this step the box is blank and gives me 0 choices. I have done this before with an machine running XP and not had any problems. I am running Vista and that is problem enough. I did check to make sure my regional time settings are corresponsding with the desired choice of MM:DD:YYYY. Verified that multilple times but to no avail. Any suggestions on what to do in this Vista mode??????????????
I am running Windows Vista and have office ver. 2003. I have tried both versions to use in importing the file ---- DOS and Windows but both give the same results when you get to the window where it asks you to identify the file you want to import to---------- the box is blank and it should show the calendar as a choice.
I'll throw my .02 cents in here.
I'm guessing you did a custom install of Office during which you selected the options to install, OR you chose a Typical installation. My guess is the installation method (typical or just checking the boxes next to the applications) you chose did not install the option you need to complete this process. There are quite a few options available during installation that are only presented during a custom installation.
If you attempt to uninstall Office you are presented with a screen that allows you to modify the installation. I would go that route and right click on everything and choose "Run from my Computer". All of the options are very small compared to the main applications, so you won't be eating a lot of disk space. I don't have a computer with 2003 on it so I can't look and see if there is any specific options that stand out. Heck, I couldn't even find a decent screen shot on the web!
If you and Carol are both trying to accomplish this in (basically) the same method that is the only cause that stands out to me!
I do remember the process followed during that time of installation and I let the program use the default choice which was not a custom install -- but loaded all the basic values. I will go back and and try the modified installation maybe this will have the option of "repair" ---- don't know for sure but will try that if possible. Ironic thing is I went to one college web site and their football schedule for download was packaged as a .csv (dos) file. That worked perfectly without problem. The ones of .csv (Word) model is where I have this particular problem.
OK --- trying a complete install --- I have my original 2003 disk. Now, before jumping into that:
1. Since I will be overlaying a new installation ontop of the program that is already there, do I need to save my contacts, favorites, etc. to a pen drive just in case those get wiped out in the process. Seems to be the safe thing to do.
2. OR --- do I need to delete the complete file before doing a new installation?
Many thanks.
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