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Having created the "Windows Defender Offline" disc, standard info followed i.e.insert the disc - restart the PC from the CD/DVD - click start full scan (or otherwise
More info was offered, as follows
if you created a CD or DVD you shouldn't reuse it; it contains definitions to help it detect malware. Definitions are updated frequently so the definition files on the CD or DVD will be out of date. If you created a USB flash drive, you can reuse it. Windows Defender Offline will update the definitions when you rerun the wizard.
Seems to me that when making the Defender disc one should run it immediately - out of date definitions? - how come an USB drive will update definitions but a disc wont - or maybe I'm confused!! Come in Jim, please
You are quite right in saying that the Defender disc should be used straight away, while the definitions are up-to-date. Because definitions cannot be updated on a disc, you need to download the latest version, including latest definitions, each time you need to scan.
To answer your second question: have you ever tried to write to a normal disc which has already been used? You can't, simple as that, you can only write to a blank disk. Furthermore, specific existing data on rewritable discs cannot be changed or manipulated, you can only add completely separate new data or overwrite all existing data. In that sense, you could reuse the same rewritable disc each time you downloaded the latest full Defender version.
On the other hand; not only can you connect a flash drive and write to that at any time, specific existing data on a flash drive can also easily be manipulated, overwritten or changed.
Cheers... Jim
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