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Has there been a bad forced update this week?
My W7x64 Asus laptop had a catastrophic failure during the night which was caused by a forced update from both MS & Adobe flash.
I'm unable to get windows to run now so can't even do a restore back to yesterday.
It keeps asking for a boot disc!
I went through the safe start processes and found at 1:04am windows made a special logon with full securty privileges.
Is this normal for a forced update?
I usually like to read & select which updates I will accept first.
I took heaps of photos as I went through the reboot process as many messages are flashed up for a meer second.
It's fixing itself!! Well hopefully! It's been 30mins since my original post.
My heart skipped when I closed the safe start window and there was my desktop smiling at me!
It's doing a lot of thinking as the little blue circle goes round and round and the desktop has now greyed out. But hopefully repairing.
Oh beautiful thing you Asus! Again you have not let me down! I just hope I'm not talking too soon!
Once it is working again I will check the restore point and now that I have the code number of the forced update I will check to see if it is still there and whether it's installed.
Another 30mins has gone by & its still doing a lot of thinking. Maybe it's frozen?
The update might still be problematic?
Yes Richard I have a backup on an external hard drive but requires access to parent software on pc as best I know or access to internet via another linked in device which I have never attempted with this tab. Also I have done a lot of work with my photos this past few days since last backup.
I'm Leary of this backup as a quick fix. I used it to repair My Pictures and it made a right royal mess. Also I don't think I have enough disc space left as 2 of the available 3 are now mostly filled with 200gb each of backed up photos that I haven't had time to sort. Adding that much again won't fit! Each drive is about 450gb I think and each has about 100gb or more used. The third has my files on it and forth of course is C drive which is full.
Seems Asus didn't fix itself because it is now giving me a blue screen. I've restarted twice trying to get a photo showing the code line at which it stops but it flashes so quickly my tablet can't focus.
I don't want to keep restarting it.
In any case won't it just keep stopping after backup restore if windows can't run?
Do i need windows running to do a restore from backup?
I read through the safe start mode screens and followed the links for restoring but none the wiser.
From what you're saying I don't think you have a proper idea of what a backup is. It sounds like you have copies of your data files on separate drives/discs, but no backup of your system drive.
Without a backup of your system drive I'm afraid you're in a jam. Incidentally, any backup software worth its salt will provide a means to create either a boot disc, or enable you to create a bootable USB drive. That way, if Windows fails, you can still get at your system.
You do have another option, however, but you'll need to get your hands on a live CD. In case you don't know, a Live CD is one that contains an operating system that you can run without installing it on your computer. The whole system runs off the CD. Linux is a good choice, but there are Windows versions, too.
You can create a Live CD, but you'll need another computer with internet access to download the ISO file. And you'll need the software to burn a CD (ImgBurn), or software to create a bootable USB drive (Rufus).
Once you boot to the Live CD, you will have access to all the files on your various drives. You can then copy them to another safe location. Once that is done, you can re-install Windows without fear of losing anything.
I can't stress this enough: Current backups are a crucial part of a computer system., and you can never have too many backups.
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