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Hi Martin
This is the Gparted screenshot for my hard drive. sda1 is XP. sda2 is swap, sda3 is /home and sda4 is /. I probably
should have put /home after sda1 if I ever needed to expand or shrink either partitions. Do you see anything out of the ordinary wrong here?
You asked why XP? #1 is because XP was on the first partiton on the hard drive so I was able to delete the Win 7 partition and reformat that partition for Linux. Plan on using Win 7 in another machine I have or use it in a VM. #2 is I
I use this machine every day with the hardware and software that XP runs very well not mention the money invested. As for as security I haven't even ran a virus program on this copy of XP for over 3 years. It gets my work done and that is all I need. But I do need a good copy of Linux to run. Hope I have found it. Daniel.
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