DCT Giveaway: WinPatrol Plus *Lifetime*

Winners have now been drawn – the winning names are:

sidd srk
Jack Draper
Ron Chambers

You will each receive an email very shortly. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered.

****DCT Exclusive****

DCT is proud to announce that, courtesy of BillP Studios, we have 5 LIFETIME licenses for the legendary WinPatrol Plus to give away to our subscribers. The licenses would normally sell for $29.95usd but you now have a chance to win one completely free by simply submitting a reply to this article…Thank you Bill!!

There are not too many products which deserve endorsements such as ‘legendary’ and ‘venerable’, but for WinPatrol those accolades are entirely appropriate. WinPatrol has been part of my staple security setup for so long I can’t even remember when I first started using it, it is one of the ‘must have’ programs of all time.

WinPatrol is the trailblazer in employing heuristics (behavioral) based protection, the innovator in its field and yet still remains remarkably light on resources. Which makes WinPatrol the perfect partner to augment traditional definition based anti-virus software and provide that extra layer of protection. I’ll quote from the WinPatrol home page because, quite frankly, I could not put it more accurately nor succinctly than Bill himself:

You don’t have to be doing anything wrong on the Internet to become a casualty of malware. WinPatrol takes snapshot of your critical system resources and alerts you to any changes that may occur without your knowledge. WinPatrol was the pioneer in using a heuristic behavioral approach to detecting Zero-Day attacks and violations of your computing environment. WinPatrol continues to be the most powerful system monitor with a small memory footprint so you won’t even know it’s running.

WinPatrol’s easy tabbed interface allows you to explore deep inside your computer without having to be a computer expert. A one-time investment in WinPatrol PLUS provides a unique experience you won’t find in any other software. WinPatrol works and plays well with others so it will complement any popular AntiVirus program scanner you currently use. The difference is you’ll never have to pay ever again for our PLUS enhancement.

In addition to the monitoring, of course, is WinPatrol’s outstanding management console which provides a means for users to easily identify and control startup items and running processes:


At a mere $29.95 one-off payment WinPatrol already represents outstanding value, now you have a chance to win a lifetime license absolutely free:
Simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on WinPatrol. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 6th March.
*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on WinPatrol or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 6th March. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On March 7th, 5 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for WinPatrol Plus each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

NOTE: Winners may be required to provide additional information for registration purposes.

Best of luck to all entrants, and a big THANK YOU again to Bill at BillP Studios!!

120 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: WinPatrol Plus *Lifetime*”

  1. Nice giveaway.
    Anxiously to win one lifetime license of this fabulous security program.
    Please count me in.


  2. Thank you Jim for the nice giveaway :). WinPatrol is the best light weight & rich feature HIPS. WinPatrol is a must have product for security people’s arsenal. I’m using the free version for long time. Plus license would be great :). So count me in for the giveaway. Best Regards :).

  3. I see that I’m just like a lot of others . . . a long time user and admirer of Win Patrol. Never seen a giveaway like this before. Cool to get a chance to win the WinPatrol Plus *Lifetime*. Thanks for the chance.

  4. What can I say? Winpatrol has been proven to be a solid security suite, and best of all it has cloud database. Very user friendly 🙂

  5. I have read about WinPatrol for several years, but haven’t as of yet tried it. Am upgrading to Win7 on my wife’s laptop. She is not very security conscious and I think this would be good.

  6. awesome giveaway man!!!!!

    The best start up manager and process add without user notification. bundled with best features such as system Performance boost, it detect adware, spyware with ease. start page protections, delayed start manage etc. UI is simple and easy to understand. one backdrop of the winpatrol it explore all the process, startup items even hidden one. but it provide less info about the process/items. if winpatrol make it much info tips it would be great.
    Finally a request i want scotty to bark on my desk.

    count me davescomptertips for Winpatrol Plus

  7. WinPatrol is an handy security utility that serves as a virtual guard dog. It is an incredibly useful tool to monitor the programs running on your PC, especially those that attempt to make any changes to it.
    WinPatrol offers incredibly useful controls over which programs startup when your PC does. You can easily see a list of startup programs, click on them to get more information, and choose to disable them. Also useful is the ability to delay startup: You can tell certain programs to wait a set amount of time post-PC-startup to launch, which will allow your computer to boot faster.

    Please count me in!

  8. I have WinPatrol Free but I wish to use your plus version.
    Please count me in.
    I wish to WinPatrol plus because it is good software for hidden intrusions.
    Silent guard protect you for your comfort and pleasure to work.
    This is great complement to security software.

  9. This looks like a really good application that I would like to add to my “toolbox”. Anything to help keep my system safe is a definite plus! THANKS for all that you do to keep us informed!

  10. Fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win a lifetime license of WinPatrol Plus.

  11. Daves always come with bang Giveaway. and This time its Winpatrol Plus

    Currently i am using its free version. Lots of Tuneup software have start up manager, but it select/deselect function. Winpatrol is very useful to prevent any application to add in starter up. It provide list of all start up programs , processes. It very useful in detecting trojan horse, spyware, adware. It is very helpful in managing cookies also it reveal the hidden files.

    Hope one license for me. thanks for giveaway.

  12. I have never used WinPatrol before, but my friends told me that it is a wonderful software. I really would like to win a license. Count me in.

  13. I use WinPatrol [FREE Edition} and it pops up whenever I try a new program to warn me if the new program wants to make an alteration to my system. I am comforted by the ‘Scotty is currently on patrol” message when My mouse cursor hovers over the WinPatrol Notification bar icon.
    Well done to the five lucky winners.

  14. WinPatrol is a very useful software. It adds another layer of security for you pc. I have used the free version and its very good and I would love to get the paid version. Thanks for this opportunity.

  15. year of the cat

    I like WinPatrol for its ability to protect my registry. For example, if
    I go to a trapped webpage, WinPatrol will inform me that one tries to change
    my registry and I would have the choice to refuse that and I will go away!!
    Thanks for this great giveaway !

  16. Well, having a tool which takes a snapshot of your critical system resources, in order to warn you of any possible change of it, is something every geek should have in his arsenal so as to rely on a protection system based on a Zero-Day attacks approach.

    This is because all security apps out there are nowadays usually able to detect MALWARE only through their fingerprint database signatures, which of course cannot always include the last spyware coming from the web.

    Winpatrol is a great tool designed to stop all potentially dangerous programs before they may cause any damage to your system, alerting you when a program tries to perform a suspicious operation such as a Backdoor, HiJacker, Keylogger and/or Trojan Downloader related behavior.

    The FREE version of Winpatrol, I have been using for years now, already outclasses any similar product in the market right now, but of course grabbing a lifetime license of Winpatrol Plus would be great for me in order to gain access to WinPatrol PLUS Knowledgebase, as well as enjoy the Real-time Infiltration Detection feature.

    Please count me in!!

  17. Rajesh Ghadye

    small in size but it make wonder at your pc and privacy security, a hot watchdog software, keep on every activity of your pc, statrup manger, process and add up tasks etc. the best is delayed start very helpful to boot pc in minimum time for a user like me who has lots of startup desk apps.
    love to have it
    count me in,

  18. Hi,
    WinPatrol sounds like great software, please count me in for the giveaway.

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