DCT Giveaway: Idoo File Encryption Pro

***DCT Exclusive***

Idoo Software has very generously donated 10 licenses for its excellent Idoo File Encryption Pro software. Idoo File Encryption Pro would normally sell for $99.95usd but DCT readers now have a chance of winning a license absolutely free – Thank you Idoo Software!!

And the winners are…
Jack Draper
Larry Rydel
RL San

Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest and a BIG Thank You to Idoo for providing free software to the DCT readers!

Keeping important data safe and sound is one of the most critical aspects of modern computing, and good encryption software plays an integral role in any overall strategy.

Idoo File Encryption is just such a program – not only is Idoo File Encryption very powerful software it is also very easy to use. Idoo File Encryption incorporates an intuitive and user friendly interface, but the icing on the cake is the quick and easy access to Idoo’s options available via the right-click context menu – simply right-click the target and click on the appropriate action. Idoo File Encryption also utilizes excellent self-protection, including password protected access.

Idoo File Encryption is available in both Free and Pro versions; the Free version is very good but options are restricted to files only, the Pro version expands usability to also include folders and entire drives.

View a full feature comparison chart (between Free and Pro) HERE

This powerful and useful file encryption tool can help you quickly and safely lock and hide files, folders and drives, and it can use 256-bit AES encryption to encrypt your files located on HDD drive or any portable media such as USB drives:

  • Hide Data : hide your private files folders drives, to make them completely invisible to users programs.
  • Lock Data : The locked files/folders/drives , cannot open, read, modify, move, delete, copy, rename.
  • Protected : files/folders without password. Files and sub-folders in a locked folder are also protected.
  • Encrypt Data : It can encrypt files and folders of any type.
  • Portable Encryption : packs and encrypts a folder into an executable (.exe file) with AES encryption.
  • Safe Delete : No one can recover deleted data from your disk if you secure delete it.
  • Password Protected : there’s no other way to run or unstall it if you have not the password.
  • Easy to Use : A very easy to use program with user-friendly interface
For your chance to win a free license simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on the Idoo File Encryption software. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 9th January.
*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Idoo File Encryption or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 9th January. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On Jan 10th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for Idoo File Encryption Pro each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

Good luck to everyone; best wishes for a safe, healthy and peaceful 2012 from all the Team at DCT –  and a big thank you again to Idoo Software!


30 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Idoo File Encryption Pro”

  1. Nice, would love to have good file encryption software on my laptop. It would be perfect if I win the Idoo File Encryption.

  2. Thanks
    Idoo known for its data related software’s such as encrypt, backup, Idoo File Encryption provide a great all option related to data such as hide,lock, encrypt, secure delete, the plus feature is portable encrypt.

    Love to have it, COUNT ME IN

  3. Wow Idoo File Encryption Pro giving away a free copy of its software. This is about the best software developed to date. Count me in for a chance to get a free copy.

  4. Idoo File Encryption Pro is just what I need to keep my material confidential. Hope I’m lucky.

  5. Just what I need. Count me in for a chance to get a free copy of this very good Encryption software.

  6. in our days were security never is enought we must do everything to keep our private data secure!
    that`s why programs like this one are so importante to keep in our pcs|
    sure would be nice to have a licence from this one!
    god luck to all participants! and a very good year for all!
    thank you!

  7. I want to know more about this interesting software. Does the program make a encypted container to put your files on it? If yes, I want to know the performance transfering files to it container. I only see Safehouse as fast as you are copying files within your computer.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Idoo File Encryption software would make for a perfectly secue machine. I view my computer like my personal mail, I want NOBODY to read the contents of my machine but me. I don’t clean up my machine as often as I should. Thank you!

  9. I am using Truecrypt at the moment but Idoo is more versatile so I would really like to win it.

  10. In my business I work with many companies. Protecting Intellectual Property is a high priority. Thanks for the opportunity.

  11. Keeping my data safe is paramount. Idoo File Encryption looks impressive and thanks for the offer through DCT.

  12. Rajesh Ghadye

    idoo have features like Hide data, encrypt data even hard drive., portable ability But i lve it feature that it can not uninstall until a password is provided.one of the best personal data security program from Idoo.
    count me in for this one Davescomputertips

  13. Idoo File Encryption is a very good, useful and easy to use software. Thanks. Happy New Year!

  14. i like idoo file encryption for personal data use.
    Thanks for the giveaway. Count me in.

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