DCT Giveaway: Blaze Video Magic *Ultimate*

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. vinay
  2. Pito
  3. Doug Thomas – Unclaimed – redrawn to Friend
  4. OMG!!!
  5. sirpaul2
  6. Philip
  7. Johan Swinkels
  8. Jorge R – Unclaimed – redrawn to Pascal Dubus
  9. Richard Whitney – Unclaimed – redrawn to bill ehm
  10. GeekBro – Unclaimed – redrawn to Brad Rigby


[contact-form-7 id=”11250″ title=”Contest Winner Alert”]

Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who entered.[/message]


Here is a great opportunity to get your hands on a terrific all-in-one video suite. Blaze Video Magic is a truly remarkable package, including just about everything a user needs to work with video.

Blaze Video Magic Ultimate is BlazeVideo’s top-of-the-line software which would normally sell for $49.95us but you now have the chance to win one of ten free licenses for this outstanding product simply by submitting a reply to this article with a comment… *We would prefer if you commented on the Blaze Video Magic software.

  • *This giveaway expires on June 9th
  • *If your comment does not appear immediately it is because first comments require moderation, it will appear shortly!

Blaze Video Magic Ultimate

BlazeVideo is one of the most respected developer/publishers of Video/DVD related software. The BlazeVideo stable houses a wide range of excellent products, including the ever popular VideoFlick. Blaze Video Magic Ultimate is one of BlazeVideo’s premiere products, the finest of the fine.

With this outstanding software you can:

*Convert ALL Video or Rip DVD to a Huge Range of Portable Devices:

  • Convert between all common and popular video formats.
  • Best region free DVD converter, rip ANY CSS protected or encrypted DVD to other popular video formats
  • Supports a wide range of devices: perfectly output video or DVD to iPod Touch, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad 2, the New iPad, iPad Mini, PSP, PS3, Zune, Apple TV, Mobile Phone, Archos, BlackBerry, HTC, Nokia, Palm, etc.

*Make Your Own Personal Video via Powerful Video or DVD Editing:

  • One button to edit video or DVD, trim video clips, crop video, add subtitle, watermark and special effects (brightness, hue, saturation, contrast), rotate by 90 degrees CW, flip vertical, flip horizontal, and preview your video or DVD.
  • Add a title at the beginning of your video, or add credits at the end
  • Merge any video files and save them as one big continuous file.
  • Freely change the settings of video bit rate, frame rate, video size, audio bit rate, sample rate, channel for advanced users.

*Download Online Videos 

  • Download videos from the world’s popular video-sharing sites like YouTube, Yahoo video at super high speed even when you are watching them
  • Convert downloaded FLV videos to other video formats for viewing on iPhone, iPad, iPod, PSP, Samsung, BlackBerry and other portable devices

*Create Professional Photo Slideshows

  • Add as many photos as you like into your own flash slideshow
  • Customize your photo slideshow: add music, insert title and credits, or add special playback effects
  • Share photo slideshows in more places: convert photo slideshows into various video formats for viewing on iPhone, iPod, iPad, PSP, etc.

*Make Free iPhone Ringtones

  • Make free ringtones for iPhone from music in various formats
  • Create custom ringtones by selecting the playback period for any song
  • Personalize your ringtone by adding fade in or fade out effects at the beginning or end

You can read more about Blaze Video Magic and its features here: http://www.blazevideo.com/video-converter/

And view a feature comparison chart between editions here: http://www.blazevideo.com/video-converter/comparison.html (look at all the lovely green ticks included with the “Ultimate” edition – WOW!)

How To Convert Video To Portable Devices With Blaze Video Magic

I have installed a couple of BlazeVideo titles myself and they are always very professional, high quality products which are also intuitive and very easy to use. I do wish BlazeVideo had offered me a license for this one… hint, hint!!


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Blaze Video Magic.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 9th June. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On June 10th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning names published.
  • Winners must claim their license within 7 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.
I must say, I reckon Blaze Video Magic Ultimate is one of the very best products we’ve ever been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to offer to our subscribers… THANK YOU BlazeVideo!!


61 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Blaze Video Magic *Ultimate*”

  1. i like this software capabilities to edit videos, pretty powerful i say.
    please count me in on the draw.
    thank you very much 🙂

  2. Blaze Video makes excellent software, I have heard that this really works well. It would be a real plus for any video toolbox.

  3. Dave,

    For sure count me in the drawing. Thanks for the giveaway, and the great articles. Cheers.


  4. Blaze Video Ultimate looks like a great set of tools. I doubt I would use every function but I would use enough to find it very useful. Count me in. Thank you.

  5. Philip Clempson

    Blaze Video looks to be up there with the best. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  6. Johan Swinkels

    This is an amazing program with so many possibilities. I have tried many video programs but this one is the best of them all.

  7. Excellent program, well worth having. Do toss my name into the hat, and thanks.

  8. I’ve used a few video editing programs before, and I’d love to give this a try!! Hope I win one!!

  9. This sure seems like a wonderful program. I volunteer at a school and home for pregnant teenagers and I am making a video of their school year, so a program like Blaze Video Magic would sure help

  10. Would love to try this software, appears so much more intuitive than what I’m used to.

  11. Blaze Video Magic Ultimate is really a great software, and I like to win it. Thank you!

  12. I´ve never used before, but it sounds like the soft wich I always been looking for!!!
    Pls, count on me. I hope I will be one of the luckies !!!

  13. Richard Whitney

    What I like about the program is that it can do more than just one thing and all in one package. There are products out there that have only one program for the same price but this one has multiple programs worth more than the price given. And it does it so good (the programs). Thanks for the opportunity to comment and a chance to win.

  14. This does look like a great program to get movies converted to tablet format.

  15. Blaze Video Magic sounds like a great piece of software, count me in for the contest.

  16. Blaze Video Magic *Ultimate* sounds like the all-video software I’m looking for for my video needs. I would love to have a free license to try it. Thanks DCT and BlazeVideo for the giveaway.

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