DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9

***Exclusive To DCT***

Contest has ENDED and winners announced!


Wulfing von Schleinitz

David Forness



Chuck Billow

Ronald Chambers




 A BIG thank you to Ashampoo for their support of DCT and our readers!

Ashampoo has just released the latest version of its outstanding WinOptimizer (v9) software and we have 10 licenses to give away to our readers…Thank You Ashampoo!!

Yes, this is the very latest full version released on 15th February 2012 which would normally sell for $39.99usd, and DCT subscribers now have a chance to win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article – NOTE: Licenses also include all minor updates free.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 users benefit from an efficient, quick and safe Windows® maintenance as well as a large number of powerful and user-friendly tools which enable them to customize their Windows® computer exactly according to their needs. In response to numerous customer requests, Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 offers two new powerful modules, Registry Defrag and HDD Inspector.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer has long been established as the premier software in its genre. If you are looking for a full maintenance/optimization suite to keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently you can’t go past Ashampoo WinOptimizer, the sheer quantity and quality of included tools and features is mind boggling.There are so many it’s nigh on impossible to cover all aspects of this terrific suite in the usual textual manner so, for a change, we decided to let a few screenshots do the talking:


Main Interface
Main Functions

As you can see, there is so much to Ashampoo WinOptimizer it is impossible to encapsulate all it’s remarkable functionality in just a few words. Suffice to say it is the only software you will ever need to professionally maintain a clean and responsive system running at optimum efficiency.

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 Home Page

For your chance to win one of the ten licenses on offer, simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo WinOptimizer. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 27th February.
 *If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo WinOptimizer or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 27th February. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On Feb 28th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

Best of luck to everyone and a big THANK YOU again to Ashampoo!!


90 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9”

  1. Thanks Jim for another fine DCT giveaway
    this time Ashampoo Win Optimizer9, I am
    using v8 at the moment and it works well
    a upgrade to v9 would be fantastic.So I’m
    in thanks.
    Shared on Twitter.

  2. Jim,
    Hey another primo giveaway.
    It wasn’t long ago that I didn’t know how to turn a computer on! I currently have 4 working computers running 24/7.

  3. Great giveaway. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is very good software. Thanks for the contest. Good luck to all.

  4. I would be really pleased to have the latest ASHAMPOO WIN OPTIMISER 9 because,having used a free version of Win Optimizer for some time I find it is a really excellent tool and when my computer slows down and needs rejeuvenation Win Optimiser always comes to the rescue

  5. Thank you for the great Giveaway. WinOptimizer is a good Software for PC.

  6. wow,awesome giveaway,count me in……..i have tried out the v8 of Ashampoo WinOptimizer,which works great for me.it optimizes my system and cleaned up all unnecessary stuffs from my pc,it’s a must have tool for all pc owners…….so i would like try the v9 of Ashampoo WinOptimizer which included some cool new features and awesome skins……….btw very nice review sir! thanx……… 🙂

  7. I used trial version of Ashampoo Winoptimizer 8 & was impressed a lot because of its vast management of system.It touches almost all parts of the system & repair almost anything if problem arise.Thanks for this giveaway,I would be happy to win it.

  8. Nice giveaway…thanks to dct…….win optimizer is a great software..becuase i am currently using version 8..so i want the version 9..thanks..count me in

  9. yuppppppp awesome giveaway,count me in ………..nice review sir! thanx…Win optimizer is no doubtly a superb software for making pc better…:) 🙂

  10. cool giveaway……..love ashampoo product very much..so wanna try this one…thankssssssssssssss

  11. Thanks for another awesome giveaway like Ashampoo WinOptimizer v9.

    Ashampoo WinOptimizer v9 come up with the great and improved functions such as Registry defrag option, HDD Inspector, Optimization feature improved. Ashampoo WinOptimizer bundled with all the feature a tune up software must have Privacy Cleaner such as internet traces, File wiper, File encrypt. Further registry clean.optimize, startup tuner, process/service manager, disk doctor, space explorer, uninstall manger, backup function and many more.

    New improved slide iu is awesome, good categorized functions. Ashampoo WinOptimizer should add functions like registry search, software install tracking. it would make it much better.

    finally thanks daves for giveaway like Ashampoo WinOptimizer.
    Love to have it. Count me in

  12. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 is a very extended and useful program for system optimization. It has a lot of options and settings for system cleaning the unneeded files and adapts to individual solutions. No matter what you use, maintenance, or defragment or a tool the HDD or other settings, WinOptimizer 9 is safe.
    Count me, please.

  13. thank for this giveaway. a great utility to help me clean up and boost my system. thank and count me in too.

  14. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is great really helps you improve your team is one of the best in my opinion that there are these types of programs thanks and count on me to the draw

  15. Ashampoo do some great Apps and WinOptimizer 9 is one off the best ones out there, count me in for this please and thanks.

  16. ReviewsAntivirus

    Ashampoo WinOptimizer is a set of tools designed to optimize Windows.

    The main application window is divided into four categories in which there are an appropriate tool for cleaning, tuning, tweaking the system and manage files on the disk. Among them you will find a module to optimize the drive, clean your registry, defragment hard drive, test the performance of your computer, change the icon in the system, pernamentnego delete files, split and merge files, optimizing Internet, manage applications in the auto-boot, encrypt and decrypt files and much more. Same options to overclock system settings offered by Ashampoo WinOptimizer more than 450

    In addition, the program offers so. function-One-Click Optimizer optimizes the entire system with a single mouse click.

    Sorry for my English, I use Google Translate.

  17. Ronald Chambers

    I have used previous versions and this is a very effective and comprehensive program. Thanks Ashampoo!

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