DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. Roger Gardner
  2. Ana
  3. Uself1972
  4. Larry Woodbury
  5. Mohammad Wasiullah
  6. Debbie Fahlman
  7. gbswales
  8. Roy Henderson
  9. Matthew Nunez
  10. DeLo


Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who entered. [/message]


Our generous friends at Ashampoo have once again come to the party, donating 10 full licenses for Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 to giveaway to our subscribers. This is the very latest version of the excellent WinOptimizer software, released just a couple of days ago and which would normally sell for $39.99us.
For your chance to win one of the 10 full licenses on offer, simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. We’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo WinOptimizer software… competition ends 17th March.

*If your comment does not appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated, it will appear shortly!

For those who don’t already know; Ashampoo WinOptimizer comprises a collection of cleaning, maintenance, and optimization tools all accessible in the one terrific suite.

The first pleasant surprise was during installation when I noticed that Ashampoo has dropped the previous optional toolbar. Installation is now pretty straightforward, all you need worry about is whether or not you want the desktop shortcuts:

Ashampoo has earned a deserved reputation for providing the simplest yet most intuitive interfaces with its products and WinOptimizer is no exception. I very much like the way in which WinOptimizer 10 caters for both novice and more experienced users:

As you can see from the screenshot; three nice big buttons clearly delineate the various sections associated with the one-click solution. Less experienced users can simply click on the Start Search button to get things going. When the scan has completed you will see a summary of issues identified under each section:

For a more in depth analysis, click on the big buttons and a new window will open which provides access to more detailed reports:

The above screenshot is what came up after clicking on the “Protect” button. Each set of issues is easily accessed by utilizing the opposing arrows at top right of the window. Clicking on the link in “Click here to view and extensive list of all found objects” is pretty much self explanatory.

When ready, just click on the “Fix now” button and WinOptimizer goes to work. It’s all pretty quick, from go to whoa was just a matter of a few minutes on my well worn Windows 7 system.. Of course, that also depends on how regularly the machine has been cleaned previously.

That’s just WinOptimizer’s core functionality, there is a lot more to investigate under the hood, including a wealth of settings and useful tools:

Modules can also be sorted into Categories or Functionality.

This great software includes all you will ever need to help maintain that all important clean and responsive system.

You can read more details about Ashamppo WinOptimizer 10 and its features on the home page here: https://www.ashampoo.com/en/usd/pin/4206/System_Utilities/Ashampoo-WinOptimizer-10



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo WinOptimizer software.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 17th March. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On March 18th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning names published.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 is a truly great prize, so get those entries in.  And a huge THANK YOU once again to Ashampoo.

104 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10”

  1. Roy Henderson

    I have used other Ashampoo products over the years. I am looking forward to trying WinOptimizer 10. I am always looking for products to support Windows 8.

  2. Robert Rozijn

    Thanks for the chance to use WinOptimizer 10. I used many Ashampoo utitlities in the past. Quality software for a good price.
    King regards.

  3. Thank you for the giveaway! I have an older version of Ashampoo WinOptimizer and I like it. A license for WinOptimizer 10 will be highly appreciated.

  4. Thanks for this giveaway. I like the new duplicate file finder function of the new ashampoo winoptimizer 10

  5. It’s good to have this software as a safety net. In a way, though, it might be optimal, if other software manufacturers didn’t market stuff that is ‘buggy’, as, alas, so much software is. and, yes, I know this is a counsel of perfection. Sigh….

  6. I like what Ashampoo WinOptimizer is improving in terms of functionality to keep your PC optimize.

  7. Matthew Nunez

    I have always loved ashampoo products.They are very user friendly and pretty straight forward.I have used Win Optimizer before and found it to be a good product.I am excited that I may have a chance to get the new version.As I mentioned their products are easy to use and very user friendly,so even a novice like me can use them and not worry about messing anything up.

  8. Cheryl Vanessa

    Thanks for this Awesome Giveaway.
    Ashampoo products are always the Best in Its Class including this WinOptimizer. Bring New Improvements and new features.. Germany’s Products are very Best. I wish to win to Competition.
    Please count me in too..

  9. I have sampled ashampoo before and think it is great. Would love to have the software. Please include me in the drawing.

  10. Raiyan Quaium

    Hey I want to win that software. my computer sure could need some maintaining. I hope you have International shipping.

  11. A family member told me about this giveaway and i hope I can win too. The software is a bit expensive but it seems to be very useful.

  12. Thanks!!! Truly a super Ashampoo software package — modules galore (can’t think of any module to add to the current array)!!!! Like everything about it!!!

    Please, please, please count me in!!!!!

  13. I’ve run IOBit Advanced SystemCare v6.1 Pro for a couple of years and am v.happy with its performance. It cleans, optimizes, repairs and provides a whole series of other useful programs. The IOBit Malware Fighter v1.7 keeps my system well protected with regular updates.
    I would be more than happy to review the Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 software and compare it against my preferred IOBit software.
    Regards G.

  14. I have used the free versions of this software and they have been great. I would love to have an up-to-date or current registered version to add to my PC utilities arsenal. Thank you Ashampoo for all the different applications you provide and to you DCT for this opportunity.

  15. Robert Csernus

    It is a wonderful software. I have all the previous version. It always does its work properly. I’d like to have the new version of it.

  16. I use an older version, I’m very pleased with it and ask for the key to the new version of the software.

  17. Thanks for the giveaway. I like WinOptimizer’s friendly user interface, registry cleaner and junk files remover.

  18. Robillard Elie

    I have bought every single software made by Ashampoo ,I love them and mostly their prices

  19. Winoptimizer 10 is indicative of Ashampoo’s concern with quality. Glad to get it.

  20. Asriel Rusdyawan

    Thanks a lot for this Giveaway.
    I like to use its Uninstaller Feature which can help me removes all junks files left by the Uninstalled Software.
    I wish to win this Time..

  21. one click optimizer, then disk doctor & hdd inspector, these are truly useful features. i like that.
    thank you for this great opportunity 🙂

  22. Maurice Hinton

    Not having heard of Ashampoo-winoptimizer before I decided to download a trial version to see what its like and I’m glad I did. Ashampoo-winoptimizer is an extremely powerful comprehensive assembly of maintenance tools, its very simple to use, and extremely efficient…. I really do need to obtain a “full version” for the sake and ongoing health of my computer system.

  23. Hi.
    Well, if version 10 is still better than 9, what about just keeping me one license and use random generator for the 9 others ?
    Thanks Dave and thanks Ashampoo.

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