DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. Roger Gardner
  2. Ana
  3. Uself1972
  4. Larry Woodbury
  5. Mohammad Wasiullah
  6. Debbie Fahlman
  7. gbswales
  8. Roy Henderson
  9. Matthew Nunez
  10. DeLo


Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who entered. [/message]


Our generous friends at Ashampoo have once again come to the party, donating 10 full licenses for Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 to giveaway to our subscribers. This is the very latest version of the excellent WinOptimizer software, released just a couple of days ago and which would normally sell for $39.99us.
For your chance to win one of the 10 full licenses on offer, simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. We’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo WinOptimizer software… competition ends 17th March.

*If your comment does not appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated, it will appear shortly!

For those who don’t already know; Ashampoo WinOptimizer comprises a collection of cleaning, maintenance, and optimization tools all accessible in the one terrific suite.

The first pleasant surprise was during installation when I noticed that Ashampoo has dropped the previous optional toolbar. Installation is now pretty straightforward, all you need worry about is whether or not you want the desktop shortcuts:

Ashampoo has earned a deserved reputation for providing the simplest yet most intuitive interfaces with its products and WinOptimizer is no exception. I very much like the way in which WinOptimizer 10 caters for both novice and more experienced users:

As you can see from the screenshot; three nice big buttons clearly delineate the various sections associated with the one-click solution. Less experienced users can simply click on the Start Search button to get things going. When the scan has completed you will see a summary of issues identified under each section:

For a more in depth analysis, click on the big buttons and a new window will open which provides access to more detailed reports:

The above screenshot is what came up after clicking on the “Protect” button. Each set of issues is easily accessed by utilizing the opposing arrows at top right of the window. Clicking on the link in “Click here to view and extensive list of all found objects” is pretty much self explanatory.

When ready, just click on the “Fix now” button and WinOptimizer goes to work. It’s all pretty quick, from go to whoa was just a matter of a few minutes on my well worn Windows 7 system.. Of course, that also depends on how regularly the machine has been cleaned previously.

That’s just WinOptimizer’s core functionality, there is a lot more to investigate under the hood, including a wealth of settings and useful tools:

Modules can also be sorted into Categories or Functionality.

This great software includes all you will ever need to help maintain that all important clean and responsive system.

You can read more details about Ashamppo WinOptimizer 10 and its features on the home page here: https://www.ashampoo.com/en/usd/pin/4206/System_Utilities/Ashampoo-WinOptimizer-10



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo WinOptimizer software.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 17th March. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On March 18th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning names published.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 is a truly great prize, so get those entries in.  And a huge THANK YOU once again to Ashampoo.

104 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10”

  1. john skarness

    DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10. am very interested in a program that keeps computer clean. never know which program to purchase and download, with all the trickery present on net.
    hope i’m one to receive this wonderful gift.
    good-luck everyone,

  2. I have heard many good opinions about this software. I would love to have it, because I have installed trial version and I liked it very much!
    Thank you for this giveaway!

  3. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is great Windows optimization software. I wont one. Count me in.

  4. Peter and Brenda Mundy

    I have used Ashampoo programmes for many, many years and found them excellent, with easy to use options and with no spyware.
    Our version is V7, and as we are now both made redundant, it would be nice to be able to win v10.
    Best of luck to all entrants.
    Peter and Brenda in NZ>

  5. Wulfing von Schleinitz

    I have been using Ashampoo products for a number of years now and have had Win Optimizer software 6, 7, 8, & 9, as well as other Ashampoo products. Thanks for the contest.

  6. smith, kerry

    I am very interested in your product. I often wish I had a one-size fits all optimizer. Often the ones I’ve tried require a lot of time to figure out and set up. Not for me.


  7. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is very nice & useful software! Its my software dream! Count me in please!

  8. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 10 would take the place of 3 or 4 programmes I have on my Win XP. It covers the jobs I have to do periodically to clean up my machine. I would very much like to win this.

  9. I have many Ashampoo licenses, and WinOptimizer 8. But being a pensioner and 77 year old, I am unable to purchase any more at this time. My latest purchases are well-known to Ashampoo and include Uninstaller 5. I have never any problem with Ashampoo software and have found honesty and integrity to be their finest qualities! Ashampoo’s software is truly very good and does what it claims to do! Thanks.

  10. Lawrence Woolley

    I have used WinOptimizer for several years. I have been very happy with it. It does a terrific job cleaning-up Windows. I would love to have a copy of the latest version. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

  11. I have several of Ashampoo’s programs. If this is a s good as their Burning Studio it will be a great program indeed.

  12. Richard Kernebone

    Thank you DCT and Ashampoo for your offer. Please count me in. I find Ashampoo Snap and WinOptiomizer are in constant use.
    Music Studio, Photo Commander, Photo Optimizer and Uninstaller are great programs too.
    Ashampoo programs have proved to be safe and easy to use for this Septuagenarian (fast approaching octogenarian status).
    Many thanks.

  13. Ashampoo products are always reliable. I hope to win a license for their new WinOptimizer 10.

  14. Mohammad Wasiullah

    Thanks for giveaway Ashampoo is one of the my Favorite company which make awesome software for their customer and good support i like ashampoo software and i don’t miss this good opportunity to win this awesome software for my PC this product keep my PC fast and errors free
    count me in thanks Dave and Ashampoo
    i hope i will this insha Allah

  15. Ashampoo WinOptimizer is great Windows optimization software. I wont one. Count me in too…………

  16. Hi Jim,

    I have several Pro versions of Ashampoo products which I have had since before FBB member, Burning Studio 12, Music Studio 4, Snap 6, Photo Optimizer 5, Slideshow 5 Office 2012 and Win Optimizer Free. Optimizer is a great programme and recently I was considering purchasing the Pro version 10.
    It would be great to win the programme and spend the money on a few XXXX. 😉
    Ashampoo have excellent products and a great back-up service, add to this the offers of new programmes at a special price rate.


  17. Chris Lafore

    One of, if not the best, optimizers out there. I would love to have the newest version !

  18. Hello there and thanks for the opportunity to win a license to the latest version of WinOptimizer. I have used version 9 and have a high opinion of the product. Its user interface is friendlier than others in its class and performs all functions just as advertised. I like the 1-Click optimization and am looking forward to the new duplicate file finder.

  19. Great giveaway! i’d very like to get a key of this great software.Please count me in.

  20. Thanks for the giveaway. Please include me in the draw. I really like this and other ashampoo software. I like that I can keep my registry and hard disk clean.

  21. Simon Witter

    I love the sound of Ashampoo products. My PC could certainly do with some conditioning.

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