DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Commander 11

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. klaus
  2. RobWin
  3. Traveler
  4. Grr
  5. Arie
  6. emlyn
  7. Lawrence Woolley
  8. Mehdi
  9. Seath
  10. Jim Moss


Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who entered.[/message]

***DCT Exclusive***

Thanks to our good friends at Ashampoo, we have 10 licenses for Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 to give away to our subscribers… thank you Ashampoo!

This is the very latest full and unlimited version of Ashampoo’s brilliant photo management software, just released on 24th April and which would normally sell for $49.99us. DCT subscribers now have a chance to win a FREE license for this outstanding software simply by submitting a reply to this article with a comment… we’d prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Photo Commander software… entries close 5th May.

*If your comment does not appear immediately it’s because first comments must be moderated. Please be patient, it will appear shortly!

Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 includes everything, and I do mean everything, you will ever need to view, manage, edit, organize, convert, publish and share your precious photos. Of course, despite its obvious versatility and power, Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 is very simple to use thanks to Ashampoo’s always intuitive interface and enhanced wizards. There is just so much to Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 it’s nigh on impossible to enumerate every available function and feature, suffice to say, whether you are an occasional happy snapper or dedicated hobbyist, Photo Commander 11 will do everything you could want – from quick and simple fixes to complex editing, creating collages and slideshows, personalized calendars and greeting cards, adding frames and annotations, managing organizing and sharing – it’s all there and then some!


  • Everything out of the box: view, organize, edit, present and share your photos.
  • Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 combines menus, ribbons, side-panes and wizards into an intuitive user interface with customizable view modes for easy handling.
  • And thanks to mini maps, scrolling within large images no longer requires dragging separate scrollbars.

Just to help give you an idea of the many functions and features incorporated into Ashampoo Photo Commander 11, here is a screenshot of the top menu bar:

Click image to enlarge

And another showing the expanded ‘Tools’ and ‘Quick-fix Tools’ menus:



  • Organize: Import images from digital cameras and scanners, add/edit image tags and IPTC data, batch-process image stacks and convert, rename and re-date multiple files at once, perform move/copy/delete operations
  • Edit: Use quick-fix tools to enhance and optimize contrast/color/skin settings, add and edit objects such as text and rectangles, apply artistic effects such as Oil Paint and Pencil Drawing
  • Present: Create photo or slideshow CDs/DVDs and present your images to others, turn your images into web albums, calendars, collages, panoramas
  • Share: Publish your work on Facebook, Picasa and Youtube or email your friends

New Features in version 11

  • Go back in time and reverse image modifications through the integrated backup feature
  • Achieve faster results with performance-enhanced viewing and optimization routines
  • Apply effects with pixel-precision through the Effect Pen tool and enjoy live previews for instant visual feedback
  • Turn your photos into stunning miniature scenes with the Tilt-Shift tool
  • Use auto-detection to select and remove unwanted image elements and scratches
  • Work with 3D images
  • Load, save and view Adobe XMP metadata information

Read more about Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 and its many features on the HOME PAGE


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Photo Commander.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 5th May. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On May 6th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners can claim their licenses by submitting a contact form which will be available (on this page) once the draw has been completed and winning names published.
  • Winners must claim their license within 7 days. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.

Best of luck to all entrants and a big THANK YOU once again to Ashampoo!

94 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Commander 11”

  1. I use a number of Ashampoo products and can attest to the fact that they are well made, comprehensive and easy to use.

  2. Would go well with my other product from Ashampoo they certainly turn out the good gear.

  3. Lawrence Woolley

    Another great software giveaway from DCT. I have not used Ashampoo’s Photo Commander program. However, I have used several other of Ashampoo’s programs and have really been impressed by them. This would be a terrific program! Thanks for the opportunity to win a license for it!

  4. Richard Kernebone

    Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 has been a good program to use. It looks as though version 11 is even better. I would like to be included in the draw. Many Thanks

  5. I have used earlier versions of Ashampoo Photo Commander and have found it to have good features….more then enough for most folks. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Would like to try my luck on a chance to win this ne photo management software product.

  7. Nice software even if it is getting heavier with each new version. Thanks for the giveaway..

  8. Ashampoo Photo Commander still a photo editor and manager that is easy to use even the newbie can easily use it.

  9. Thank you for the opportunity to obtain this software. I most especially look forward to working with all of the New features in Photo Commander 11. The new Effect Center with its easy access to effects – with real-time previews, a Tilt-Shift, Motion Blur, Zoom Blur, Glass and Video, and an Effect Pen to “draw” any effect directly into the image, are welcome and unique features.

    I enjoy spending, time working with old family photos, removing flaws, adding special effects, generally making improvements to the photos, and presenting them to family members. This software adds some unique features for photo editing. Thank you!

  10. Rediron Hawk

    I think there seems to be some confusion between “giveaway” and “contest”.

    1. It would be very nice to have enough licenses so we could “give away” a free license to everyone but, unfortunately, that would be exceptional rather than the norm.

      Definition of “giveaway” as per Merriam-Webster (and WordWeb)

      the act of giving something away free (staging a promotional giveaway)
      A television or radio program in which contestants compete for awards

      Not too much confusion there methinks.

  11. Ashampoo Photo Commander looks like an application which would be quite useful. Count me in for the drawing!

  12. Once again Jim A great review that explains and answers all. I have used ASPC since version 7 and am currently using 9. Tried version 10 but was unsatisfied with that product, but Im sure Ashampoo has once again out done them selves with version 11. I would like to be counted in for this promotion.

  13. Would like to try this and compare to Picasso.
    Would really like it if it were BETTER!!!

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