DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Commander 10

[message type=”info”]THIS GIVEAWAY HAS NOW EXPIRED and the winners names are:

  1. ToGor
  2. joa13
  3. Jess
  4. Aqua10
  5. Vick Silva
  6. acatatease
  7. Georgette
  8. Peter Mundy
  9. Pat Clayton
  10. Ethan

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who entered – it’s your support and participation which helps us keep these giveaways coming. Thanks again to Ashampoo!![/message]

                ***DCT EXCLUSIVE!***

Ashampoo has announced it will be releasing the brand new version of its excellent ‘Ashampoo Photo Commander’ software on 18th April AND we have 10 licenses to giveaway to our subscribers.
This will be the full newly released Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 which would normally sell for $49.99… Thank you Ashampoo!!

There is so much functionality under the Ashampoo Photo Commander hood it’s difficult to know where to begin. Suffice to say, whether you are a purely amateur happy snapper or dedicated hobbyist, Photo Commander will do everything you want/need – from quick and simple fixes to complex editing, creating collages and slideshows, personalized calendars and greeting cards, adding frames and annotations, managing organizing and sharing – it’s all there and then some.

Here is a summary of the most important features as per the Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 details page:

  • Display different image formats from various sources
  • Tagging and improved overview for managing many pictures
  • Crop or rotate images, adjust horizontal misalignment, resize photos
  • Image editing: optimize colors, remove scratches, crop objects, remove red eyes etc.
  • Artistic photo editing photos by applying effects
  • Send, print, burn or upload pictures to online networks
  • Present photos in a slideshow with music
  • Create and print photo calendar, a photo collage, greeting cards or framed photos
  • Add texts, notes or graphics to photos

I advise taking a good look around the Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 product pages so you can get an idea of just how much this terrific software has to offer, starting HERE.

As with all Ashampoo products, Photo Commander includes an intuitive startup screen which provides a quick and simple path to required function(s);

The actual main interface is too large to post a screenshot but the multitude of functions are all easily identifiable and accessible via Ashampoo’s usual user friendly layout – including large, clearly marked buttons and menu items. Here are a couple of screenshots of menu items to give you a further idea of the software’s amazing versatility:


And there is a vast array of further options available under each expandable menu item.

For your chance to win one of the 10 free licenses for Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Photo Commander. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 22nd April.
*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!



  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Photo Commander or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 22nd April. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On April 23rd, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license for Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

We wish all entrants the best of luck, and a big THANK YOU again to Ashampoo!

84 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Commander 10”

  1. Thanks for this great giveaway.
    Ashampoo photo commander is really wonderful.
    I am using its previous version offered as a giveaway during last month, Photo Commander is surely one of their jewel crowns.
    Would be very happy if selected among those 10 lucky winner for this new release.

  2. I’ve been using Ashampoo Photo Commander 8 for a while now and it is a very good program, very useful for browsing and organizing
    my pictures. Thank you for the chance to receive a license for the 10th version!

  3. David L. Smith MD

    I’m always on the lookout for good photo editing tools, especially if I can get them for free!

  4. Time Traveler

    I am using Digital Image Pro 9 that was a hand-me down from my Dawta and it is good, however from reading the discription of Ashampoo Photo Commander the is like going from a covered wagon to a Star Ship. Where is that darn Cat burgler when you need him? When we went from a Sticks and Bricks home to RVing we scanned ALL of our photos, and have been trying since to make some of the old ones look better. Thanks for the opportunity!!

  5. Leonard Steele

    I’m currently relying on freeware for my photo/image needs. Would love to have this professional-level program.

  6. Ronald Chambers

    I’ve been thinking about giving Ashampoo Photo Commander a try. Thanks for the oppertunity.~Ron

  7. Ron L. Sanchez

    Thank you for the software offer. It is always nice to try new stuff without the limitation of many trial offers.

    Have a good day,

  8. I have uded many of Ashampoo’s products for a number of years. As a previous user of an earlier version of Photo Commander I am pleased to see its many improvements.

  9. I use an earlier version of Photo Commander and find it excellent. I look forward to the new version.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Thanks out to Jim and Ashampoo for making this available. One of the best in its class and I will certainly toss my name into the hat for one of the ten licenses..

  11. I take lots of pics of my grand children and great grand children so Photo Commander would be a great asset for me, having everthing I need in one good program. Would love to have a copy. Thanks for the chance Dave and Ashampoo.

  12. I use lots of their products; they are good!! Thanks for the chance at a free one!!


  13. Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 seems very impressive.My wife has a SLR camera amd takes enormous amounts of pictures,but cannot seem to organize them or correct minor defects.I had looked at other,more expensive photo software and I knew that it would be too confusing.After looking at the Ashampoo site and the features offered and the screenshots on this article,this would seem the one to go with.Thank you for the guidance.

  14. Hi Jim, Thank you for getting this offer, i am running the trial version of Ashampoo photo commander now,I love it. Ashampoo always has great products.

  15. Thanks Jim for this wonderful opportunity. I have used Ashampoo for years now. Great program and it would be an honor to receive a copy of this great program.

  16. I’d like to see how this program stacks up against Elements. Thanks for the chance.

  17. I have taken the time to try many of the photo management products Gimp, Photoshop Elements, Picassa, Paint.net, Pixia, Photo Plus and a handful of others and continue to search for the ideal photo image editor. I look forward to the opportunity to try Ashampoo Photo Commander in anticipation of finally discovering the ideal product!

    Bob Edey
    Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia

  18. Hans-Otto Schauer

    Ashampoo has a lot of good programs and Photo Commander is one of the best

  19. This program Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 is just the program for me! I’m a BIG Photo Editing buff and would LOOOVVVVEEE to win this. It’s got ALL the features I need in 1 program.

    Thanks for having this Great Giveaway,
    HOPE I Win! 🙂

  20. The only Ashampoo program I have ever tried was Start up tuner and it was very good even the tech support people where good and explained alot
    of basic computer which was very helpful for a beginner. The offer for Ashampoo to give Photo Commander 10, to give 10 licenses to subscribers
    is pretty awesome gesture in this day and age sure beats going to kinkos and would be nice to scan my resume and enclude photos.

  21. Thanks for this great giveaway.
    Ashampoo photo commander is all in one tool with ability to create photo collages and panorama.
    I have used all previous versions
    I mainly use it for creating photo album collages and slide show DVDs quick fix

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