DCT Game Giveaway – You Choose!

The Battlefield 4 giveaway was a resounding hit with well over 200 entries received – unfortunately, as is the way with these giveaways, there can only be one lucky winner.

So, we are planning a follow up giveaway, same deal with a brand new boxed DVD and genuine license key, but this time YOU get to choose the game.

Simply submit a reply to this article telling us which game you’d like to see up for grabs. The most requested game will be featured in our next game giveaway coming soon.

Windows 8.1 Giveaway

Back in April of this year we gave away a Windows 8.1 (64-bit) DVD with genuine product key. The good news is, we will have another identical prize up for grabs in the coming weeks! So keep an eye out for that one.

To make sure you don’t miss out on any of these terrific DCT giveaways,  you can subscribe to our RSS feed, or the DCT Faceboook page, or to our regular newsletter (just input a valid email address under “Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter” at the top of the right hand menu column and click the Subscribe Now button).

Remember, you’ve got to be in it to win it, and the more referrals, the better your chances of winning.


8 thoughts on “DCT Game Giveaway – You Choose!”

  1. Peter Thompson

    Really would love a giveaway of watch dogs look so great and would go well with the gtx 760 i’ve just ordered

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