
Chrome Critical Vulnerability – Update NOW

Google announces critical Chrome vulnerability — you need to update Chrome ASAP.

Google has confirmed the news that its Chrome browser has fallen victim to the sixteenth zero-day attack of the year. Zero-day vulnerabilities are when hackers discover a security flaw before a patch has been released. It is the most dangerous type of vulnerability and Google is restricting information about all the newly discovered vulnerabilities — one critical and four rated high — in order to allow time for Chrome users to update the browser.

These latest vulnerabilities, including the critical vulnerability, which affects Chrome for Windows, Linux, and Mac, have now been fixed via an update (version 96.0.4664.110) which Google says will be rolled out over the coming weeks. For more information read Google’s related blog post: Stable Channel Update For Desktop.

All Chrome users should make sure to update as soon as possible. To check which version of Chrome you are currently running:

  1. Click the three vertical dots at the far right of the address bar to open the options menu
  2. Click Help and then About Google Chrome:

If an update is available, it should start downloading automatically. If your version number is 96.0.4664.110 you are all good, the browser has already been updated to the latest patched version:

If the update is not yet available for your browser, it is important for you to check regularly for the new version and install it ASAP.

NOTE: Once the update has been downloaded and installed, you need to relaunch the browser for the changes to take effect.

2 thoughts on “Chrome Critical Vulnerability – Update NOW”

  1. Since, as “Google says will be rolled out over the coming weeks”, then those without this latest patch installed, might or should refrain from using their Google Chrome browsers? The most shocking discovery being that it affects “Chrome for Windows, Linux, and Mac”, Mindblower!

    1. then those without this latest patch installed, might or should refrain from using their Google Chrome browsers?

      Yes MB, use as little as possible until the update comes through. Probably using a secondary browser in the interim would be a good idea.

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