
Bitwarden Password Generator

If you have trouble coming up with good passwords and you use the “Bitwarden” browser extension, you are in luck. Bitwarden has a built-in password generator.

I am going to demonstrate how it works by creating an account at

Go to their site and click on “Create Free Account”.

In the next panel, fill in your “Name” and “Email”. When you click on the “Password” field a little window should appear from Bitwarden with an automatically generated password under the wording “Fill generated password”.

It’s even colour-coded; the letters are in white, the numbers are blue and the symbols are orange. There is a refresh icon to the right if you prefer not to use this one for whatever reason.

Click on this password if you are satisfied and then click on “Create An Account“. Watch at the top of your screen for this message “Should Bitwarden remember this password for you? Click on “Save”.

You’ll see a little progress bar and then it’s done.

You can go through the list of saved logins to find TinyURL and click on that entry. In the password field click on the “Eye” symbol to see the password instead of the dots.

If you change the password in the future click on this and then “Edit” or the trash can to delete.

If you have trouble saving the passwords it might be the popup message at the top of the screen is being blocked by the browser,  security program, or ad blocker extension.

Otherwise, the only other thing I can recommend right now is to uninstall the Bitwarden extension and add it back again.

For more Bitwarden articles click here.

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