
Ashampoo Introduces “Connect” Software Client

Most of you will be well aware of the Ashampoo software company which distributes a wide range of excellent products. Ashampoo has built a solid reputation over many years for providing quality software. Now, the company has released a free software client called “Connect” which is utilized to fully manage all Ashampoo products in much the same way as gaming clients such as Stream operate:

Connect is your digital hub to everything Ashampoo! Imagine a service that unlocks and updates all of your software and provides the shortest route to technical support. That’s what Connect is all about – and more! You also get instant access to your license keys, free Ashampoo software, and the best prices on the market, always“.

Ashampoo Connect Freebies

To sweeten the deal, Ashampoo has included nine products for free – some that are always free but others that the user would normally need to pay for:

Ashampoo Connect Included Freebies

The Ashampoo Connect client is available for Windows, of course, as well as apps for both Android and iOS devices.


In my opinion, this is a terrific concept from Ashampoo, especially useful for those who have accumulated multiple Ashampoo products. And there are a number of excellent products among the included freebies too.

NOTE: Some users accuse Ashampoo of spamming but I own several Ashampoo products myself and the only email messages I receive from them merely contain offers for heavily discounted deals, which is something I appreciate rather than view as spam.

That said, Ashampoo does market aggressively and I suspect that the Connect client will occasionally be used by Ashampoo to advertise these types of offers. That would not represent an issue for me, but your mileage may vary.

3 thoughts on “Ashampoo Introduces “Connect” Software Client”

  1. Is it worth 200 MB so I don’t have to update my software? With sites like Ninite and software like Chocolatey and Winget, I don’t see the benefit. In fact, I was even considering uninstalling my IObit Software Updater since it was using 112 MB.

    1. Look through the catalog of software. If you see something you like and you are patient it will almost definetely be offered to you for free “free full version” or the free “free version” (usually lower specs this and/or that”.

      OR at the very least the steep discounts revolve pretty steady. So if you want something it’s worth 200mb.

      Lets face it today 200mb on even a 250 gb drive is like 0.07% space and you can get terrabytes of SSD for 12-24 depending….

      If you’re counting MB still … well, ya know. Up to you of course.

      I will add I used to think Ashampoo was one of “those” companies/software distibutors”…I am glad to say they are NOT, though their marketing can come off like it with all the different versions…a guy or girls gotta eat and if it’s working for em God bless em because they have some really, actually, good stuff. In fact everything I’ve used from them is tops. The “free versions” while maybe not as complete don’t :

      BLAST BLAST!!! BLAST!!—>>>>CLICK NOW<<<<—-(re-direct all over the web).

      Ever. It's software with maybe a little drop down to "upgrade" and the mega cheap paid for is just great. All your products paid or not are well organized and easily downloaded from your account online, with licenses and a VERY appreciated option to 'download all licenses as PDF'.

      Yes I know it's an old post but OP mighta decided against it and he could re-think up seeing, and then there's the person who comes after, people always forget that. Take care!!!

  2. Agreed: 200MB is not as daunting as it used to be, and if the provided functionality is uncommon and useful to me, I’d certainly bite the bullet. However, the available alternatives I mentioned factor into my decision-making so I’ll take a pass on this offer. I do have other Ashampoo products that I’m very happy with, so my intent was not to dis them as a company. Still, I’m more curious than annoyed, should software really take up that much space to do a simple comparison of version numbers? Makes me wonder what else may be going on in the code.

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