
Ascomp KeyCtrl Overview & Giveaway

Ascomp KeyCtrl

Winners Announced!

This contest has now expired. Winners will be notified by email.

Congratulations to the Winners and Thank You to everyone who participated!

ascomp-keyctrl-box-shotAscomp has offered DCT five licenses for their professional Hotkey manager, KeyCtrl. These licenses are currently valued at $19.90 (US) plus there is a 14-day trial version available.

“Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are the most used keyboard shortcuts on Windows. They save the user a lot of time and speed up working on the PC immensely.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could use keyboard shortcuts for other tasks as well? For example, for the automatic insertion of frequently used texts in the e-mail program or in Word, to translate website content, to take screenshots or to open the most used folder in Windows Explorer? KeyCtrl is the key!” ~ Ascomp

This giveaway contest is live now and will end on December 12, 2024. You need a Key Binder? Here is your answer.

System Requirements

Supported Languages:

English German Turkish Russian

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit)
  • Windows 8.1 (32-bit & 64-bit)
  • Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit)
  • Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows Server 2016/2019 (32-bit & 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2012 (32-bit & 64-bit)


There is no feature list, as such. You can visit the KeyCtrl page for some ideas on how to use this interesting program.

How To Enter The Contest

We’d appreciate it if you’d take a moment and submit a comment telling us why you’d like to win Ascomp KeyCtrl. However, submitting a comment is not required to enter this contest and will have no bearing on your chances.

For your chance to win, simply enter your name and a valid email address in the spaces provided below. After your entry is accepted, you will be presented with options to visit/follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and/or YouTube. By doing so, you will get more entries, increasing your chances of winning this giveaway contest.

Sharing the contest on social media is completely voluntary, but is encouraged.

Competition Rules:

  • To enter, simply submit your name and a Valid email address. Your address will not be shared outside of this site
  • You must submit a VALID email address. We need to contact the Winner, so disposable email addresses will not be eligible
  • Additional entries may be earned by voluntarily sharing on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, or by visiting our YouTube page
  • Shortly after the contest ends, the winner(s) will be chosen at random
  • Winner(s) names will be posted on this giveaway page. Please check back here to see the winner(s) name announcement!
  • The winner(s) will be notified by email at the email address used to enter the contest – be sure to use a valid email address that you check regularly
  • Winner(s) must claim their license within five (5) days. After the five (5) day period, unclaimed prizes will be distributed at DCT’s sole discretion
  • Entrants agree to allow DCT to communicate with them via email using the address provided by the entrant when entering the contest

Good luck to everyone!

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