Air Playit: new for Android


Digiarty, the developers of the well respected WinX range of DVD/video software first launched its free Air Playit software supporting iPod, iPhone and iPad some months back. Now Digiarty has just released the Air Playit software for Android.

For the uninitiated: Air Playit provides a means for users to stream video/audio from their PC (or Mac) to mobile devices. Air Playit comes in two parts; Air Playit Server which needs to be installed on the base PC (or Mac) connected to a Wi-Fi router, 3G, or 4G, and the Air Playit app which is installed on each device.

You can view a full tutorial HERE

“Air Playit is a video streaming software designed to stream videos audios to Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod touch and Google Android OS mobile devices. Air Playit is capable of streaming 320 different video & audio formats to your mobile devices via WiFi and 3G/4G network. It acts as your personal audio video cloud server and lets you watch videos on the go.
Air Playit is able to convert videos on the fly and stream videos to your devices. Play MKV, AVI, WMV videos on your iPhone iPad and Android immediately without doing any tedious converting beforehand. Air Playit for Android Platform is available now!!


  • For more information, including main functions and features visit this page HERE
  • Download HERE

1 thought on “Air Playit: new for Android”

  1. Nice post Jim,

    This would be great for someone who stores most of their content on their desktop and wants to access it on the go.

    Cloud storage and access may be the future, but our current home server and remote streaming options are great as well.

    I might check this out some weekend…

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