DCT Giveaway: StickyPassword Pro


***Exclusive DCT Christmas Giveaway***

DCT is proud to announce our final giveaway for 2011,  10 licenses for the outstanding StickyPassword Pro. This highly regarded software would normally sell for $29.99usd but DCT readers can now win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article. Of course, this great giveaway would not have been possible without the generosity of Petr and Robert at StickyPassword – thank you guys!!

Contest has ended and the winners are (drumroll)…
John d
Len Butler
Alan Beber

Congratulations to the winners and a HUGE Thank You to Petr and Robert at Sticky Password for allowing us to give this great software to our visitors! ~ Dave

StickyPassword is one of the leading lights in password manager/form filler software, garnering praise from experts and users alike. The free version has quickly gained universal popularity, the Pro version, as one would expect, includes even more features and many enhancements, and is even better!!

With Sticky Password, you get more value for your money. Each license also includes the Portable Version free. At home and wherever you go, you’ll have everything you need for secure passwords and online form filling for half the price. It’s like getting two products for the price of one!

Get organized, save time and protect yourself with Sticky Password!

  • Automatic login
  • One click form filling
  • Encrypted Secure Memos for all your personal information
  • Create strong passwords quickly and securely
  • Protects you from phishing and key logging attempts
  • Remembers your passwords for you
  • Sticky Password Portable Version included FREE
  • Professional support and software updates included FREE

For your chance to win a free license simply submit a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on the StickyPassword software. Competition ends 00:01 (EST) 23rd December.

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on StickyPassword or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 23rd December. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On Dec 24th, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for StickyPassword Pro each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

Good luck to everyone, best wishes and Merry Christmas from all the DCT team – and a huge thank you again to Petr and Robert at StickyPassword!!

John d
Len Butler
Alan Beber

55 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: StickyPassword Pro”

  1. Hello,

    I sure would like to get Sticky Password, I tried the free version and it didn’t seem to be for me so I got rid of it. However after talking to my Dad and brother about it I gave the pro trial a chance, and I loved it. Then the unthinkable happened my trial ran out. Hope I get one I’m dying over here!

    Thanks Chilidog

  2. Sounds like a welcome improvement over KeePass. Count me in please. Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. Would like to have a license to upgrade to the pro edition. Please include me in this giveaway.

  4. I would like to try this software. I am starting to forget some of my password so I might need this.

  5. I am using Sticky Password trail and i’m loving it.
    Sure I’d like to have a pro version license.
    I’m in.
    Thanks for this giveaway.
    I appreciate it.

  6. I use LastPass free version,but i really wish to know better and maybe win a Sticky Password license.Thank you.

  7. Cool I am using the free version so far so good works like a charm. I in need of this because I got too many passes from too many forum and site. Really appreciated this. Please include me in this too 🙂

  8. I`m a “power user” of SP free,would love to try it Pro.Thanks for this giveaway!Good luck to everybody.

  9. for these purposes, I do not use the software. But passwords becomes more and more. I think this program can facilitate the work and significantly save time. Thank you for the giveaway!

  10. I have over 100 logins and pawwords that I need to manage I would love to have a professional tool to help me me with this. Thanks for providing an opportunit to win a free license.

  11. I would like to take part in the giveaway. I want to save time and improve productivity and a program like Sticky Password Pro has many features that will aid me in achieving that. Thanks.

  12. Hi,
    Sticky Password,One of the best password manager available in market.
    Today we have to create and remember many user ID’s and password for different site or blogs Login beside our regular Email,Facebook,Twitter ID’s and important Banking information.This kind of software comes very handy and useful,specially a portable version when we have to enter Login data from a public computer,as we are not sure about the security of that particular Comp.Thanks to such a encrypting software which not only manages sensitive data but also encrypt it.
    Definitely everybody needs to have one of such tool.
    Thank You N Good Luck To All

  13. Dave: I am a long time reader and your advice has been useful as I continue to learn more about computers. Your articles regarding passwords are especially pertinent. I’m afraid that I need to improve my use/misuse of passwords and Sticky Password could greatly help. Thanks for the possible giveaway.

  14. Homer Hopkins

    Am not familiar w/stickyPW but if DCT recommends it, I would like to have it..as I need a good one…

  15. Can Sticky Password really be better than RoboForm? Would welcome the chance to find out!

  16. Time Traveler

    Wow! Just in time. I have Last Pass and am not really happy with it. Right now it is confused and wants to log me into my husbans Facebook page and visa versa. He is thinking of using an encripted Excel sheet and I have no intention of doing that. I need help! I am going to go onto the Sticky Pass site and read more about it but from what you have already said it sounds great! Thanks for the opportunity! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

  17. Daimon Catizone

    I’ve never used Sticky Password, just LastPass. I’ve heard the SP is better than LP. I sure would like to have one, Thankx, Daimon~

  18. I have used Robo Form for many years, but when I tried the free version of Sticky Password I loved it. Was always tempted to get the Pro version to get the enhanced features. Now with a chance to get a free license the only words that come to mind are WOW. Put me down. As usual another great giveaway from DCT.

  19. A very useful program that’s well worth having. By all means toss my name into the hat!

  20. Thanks for this giveaway. Sticky Password is a very good software. I’ve tried the free version and I like it, but the number of passwords and accounts is too little for me, so I’d like to win a Pro license.

  21. I am using Roboform, would delight in an alternative. Looks promising w/ features. Take a lesson from Roboform, how not to treat your customers. Thanx, and you as well DCT.

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