
Riddle Me This

Enough of the computers, let’s take a break. Let’s keep our brains busy doing something else. Like riddles. Here are six. I don’t think they are too hard. Comment with what you think the answers are and in a week or so I’ll tell you the answers. No prizes involved here. Just bragging rights. 🙂







19 thoughts on “Riddle Me This”

  1. Terry. Here are my guesses
    4 eggs left
    78 parking slot
    7 in family
    they were married

  2. 4 eggs left
    87 parking lot
    writing what others are doing
    7 in family
    they were married ones

  3. 4 eggs left
    Parking spot #87
    Playing chess with Kate
    7 in family
    they were married ones

  4. Tricky but not.
    4 eggs left.
    Parking spot number 87
    Sister number five is playing chess with Kate.
    Mom and Dad have four daughters and one son, seven people in the room.
    Every SINGLE person was killed, six Married couples survived.
    One for you Terry.
    “There were three crows on a barn roof, the farmer shot one, how many were left ?”
    Reply to TOMK, the word ‘ones’ is incorrect, the word one cannot be multiplied, 1 x 1 is one. (These ones and those ones is bad English, these and those are already more than one, singular is, “This one.”)
    (There were six married couples not killed in the crash)

    1. Actually, TOMK is correct. There are two ones in 11. While ‘married ones’ is not the usual way to express that idea, the word ‘ones’, in this case, is correctly used to describe the married individuals (ones) – as in ‘He is the married one’ (In reference to a number of individuals, one, of which, is married). And so, ‘They are the married ones’ in reference to a number of individuals, where a more than one is married).

      1. Were you asleep in the English class, there is not a multiple of one anywhere in the universe.
        One is one, end of story, married ones, sounds like making fun of the English language.
        If there is a group of married couples to whom you were indicating, you would never say, “those people are the married ones,” you would say correctly, “those are the married people,” not “those are the married ones,” because there is more than one person.
        The correct method of description is a married couple therefore , “These ones” is never OK, not there in the US, nor in my native UK.
        There is no “sometimes” for ‘ones’ to be used, it is simply wrong all the time.
        The “ones” element of speech never existed in the real world and should be made redundant as being used by unintelligent individuals.
        It’s “these” or “those” (for plurals), and “this” or “that” for singular items.
        Please yourself if you don’t mind using incorrect English but do not ever try to insult me by inferring that my use of correct English is not correct.

      2. ‘Actually’ is a waste of using the word, all you need to write is, “TOMK is correct” because it is so in his and your beliefs.
        All that was required is written by you, albeit the ‘ones’ at the end is not heeded.
        [quote] ” in this case, is correctly used to describe the married individuals (ones)”
        “in this case, is correctly used to describe the married individuals.”
        As you see, ‘ones’ is useless in the description.
        There are not two ones in 11, the number consists of two of the number one, 11,111 consists of the number one five times.

      1. That is a trick question, I believe Terry. One, the one that was shot, Mindblower!

        1. Hi MB,
          There are several answers, all are correct because there was no indication , live or dead crows in the question.

        2. Dear Sir,
          Here is the answer to, “If a plane crashes on the border line of 2 countries, where would you bury the survivors.”
          The survivors would not need to be buried. :-().
          I did hear an unusual story about four people in small ‘plane who were killed when the ‘plane crashed deep in the ground in a cemetery in Ireland.
          It was said that the investigation team and police had to work all night as they kept finding more and more bodies.

      2. Not quite correct Terry as there are several answers because dead crows will still be on the roof. 🙂
        a) One crow may be shot dead on the roof so two fly away.
        b) Two crows may be dead as another has been shot so one flies away.
        c) The last crow may have been injured and fell off the roof.

        1. Here is one for you JoninOz. If a plane crashes on the border line of 2 countries, where would you bury the survivors, Mindblower!

  5. Possible answers:
    (1) 4 unbroken eggs
    (2) 78
    (3) product followed by sum: 2110
    (4) Unless Kate is playing against a computer, the fifth sister must be playing chess with her.
    (5) 7
    (6) Two choices: If by every SINGLE one you mean UNMARRIED, then the other 12 are married. If by EVERY SINGLE ONE you mean ALL, then the survivors must be animals.

  6. These are my answers:-
    1. 4 eggs left
    2. parking spot number 87
    3. 2110 (first multiply then add)
    4. Playing chess with Kate
    5. 7
    6. They weren’t single, they were married :p

  7. Q1 4 eggs left – if those broken are the same that are fried, and those that are eaten.
    Q2 78
    Q3 2110
    Q4 Playing chess with Kate.
    Q5 7
    Q6 The 12 were all NOT single.

  8. 4 eggs
    Don’t know
    7 + 3 = 2110
    Playing chess
    7 in the family
    Survivors are living relatives of persons who’ve died

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